Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pics from Buck

Buck just got some pics to me from Iraq. He's doing well and we're finally on the downward slope of this deployment. There is a possibility that he may be home in late May instead of June, but I'll believe it when I see it. We're doing fine here in the homefront. I'm looking forward to spring break! Mackenzie and I are driving up to NE so I can get my crown fixed (for free!). After spring break I start clinicals, so life will get even more hectic. Anyways, we're just counting down the days until Buck gets home. Love you all!

Vince McMahon

In the middle of a sandstorm

What a dweeb!

John Cena and ????????


1 comment:

Melody said...

Great pics! Thanks for sharing! We'll pray that rumor comes true for you guys!!!